Clinical Pathology

Clinical Pathology

The strict definitions of clinical pathology are rather obtuse. In broad terms, clinical pathology concerns itself with the theoretical and technical aspects of lab technology, and interprets that for diagnosis and prognosis. That said, there are some overlaps into the realm of anatomic pathology, most notably by way of hematopathology. The easiest way to think of it, however, is that anatomic pathologists look primarily at gross tissue and microscopic slides thereof, while clinical pathologists cover everything else.

Perhaps fortunately for clinical pathologists, a vast volume of what they cover is handled by laboratory technicians and related machinery. Generally, their job is to be responsible for the results those machines churn out, and to interpret those tests which have no accepted, automated resulting scheme.

Details are left to the various subspecialties:

Created by kcshaw. Last Modification: Tuesday 27 of September, 2005 14:02:42 CDT by kcshaw.

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