Chromogranin A

Chromogranin A

Specificity: A 48-75 kDa acid calcium-binding glycoprotein.

Staining characteristics: Granular cytoplasmic.

Function: One of a family of acid calcium-binding glycoproteins closely associated with neurosecretory granules in virtually all neurons and neuroendocrine cells. Diagnostically, chromogranin A is the most important of that glycoprotein family. Probably the major target of the argyrophilic Grimelius staining reaction. Post-translational processing creates biologically active fragments with autocrine and paracrine functions.

Normal cell distribution: Virtually all neurons and neuroendocrine cells.

Chromogranin A+: Most neural and epithelial neuroendocrine tumors.

Chromograning A-:

Created by kcshaw. Last Modification: Thursday 15 of December, 2005 13:05:05 CST by kcshaw.

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