Autopsy Path: Manual and Atlas

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas. Finkbeiner, Ursell, & Davis. Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier), 2004.

ISBN: 0-443-07676-6

This book seemed to become an instant favorite in the hospital autopsy setting, particularly for junior pathology residents starting on an autopsy service. It has a long section on how to perform an autopsy, and has numerous good quality color photographs (mostly macroscopic). In places, the text becomes a little longwinded for a "how-to" type of book, but it is generally thorough and doesn't inappropriately assume prior knowledge by the reader. It appears to be targeted at anyone who may be involved in performing an autopsy, and is likely to be of most benefit to pathology assistants, pathology assistant students, and pathology residents. There are in-text references and a full list of sources at the end of each chapter. The extensive appendices at the end of the book are of particular recurring value; they include examples of descriptions of gross autopsy findings, and numerous referenced tables and charts of growth, weights, and other measurements for adults, children, and fetuses. For some, the appendices alone are worth the price of the book.

Created by kcshaw. Last Modification: Wednesday 24 of January, 2007 13:06:08 CST by kcshaw.

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